(972) 468-9480

Advanced Technology

To accurately diagnose your needs and provide the care you deserve, our team must be able to understand your smile to an exceptional degree. With that in mind, our Plano office employs power dental microscopes, intraoral cameras, and state-of-the-art Cone Beam technology to provide stellar results for your oral health and happiness.

Dental Microscopes

Dental microscopes offer our patients several benefits, including:

Intraoral Cameras

Many patients can’t quite visualize their dental health or how certain problems can affect it over time. With the help of intraoral cameras, our team can give you a front-row seat to your unique smile. We’ll simply insert the small, camera-tipped wand into your mouth and transmit the image we capture onto a conveniently placed TV monitor. This personal view will allow us to point out dental damage more clearly and better convey the results patients can achieve from certain procedures, helping them become informed partners when it comes to their oral health and happiness.

Cone Beam Imaging

In addition to using high-powered dental microscopes, our Plano office also uses advanced cone beam technology. With cone beam imaging, we collect three-dimensional images of your entire smile. This includes teeth and gums, of course, but also your smile's underlying bone structure and the internal canals of your jaw.

A complete cone beam scan takes just a few seconds, significantly limiting your exposure to any radiation. Once it's complete, the highly detailed images we collect improve our ability to diagnose your needs and create a personalized treatment plan.

In some cases, the care you receive is less invasive than it normally would be. This is especially true with implant placement procedures. Seeing your jaw with this much detail and clarity lets us target precise areas. As a result, you enjoy a more comfortable procedure with a faster recovery.

Would you like to learn more about how dental microscopes and cone beam imaging improve the care we provide? Call Ace Implant & Family Dentistry with your questions today. We would be happy to talk to you about this great tool, in addition to scheduling an appointment. We proudly serve patients from Plano and surrounding areas.